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WELCOME TO TRUSTFARM - Towards resilient and sustainable integrated agro-ecosystems through appropriate climate-smart farming practices

Climate variability has a strong global impact on the extent and productivity of both irrigated and rain-fed agriculture and is considered a major challenge for meeting food and nutrition security. The Mediterranean and the arid areas of Sub-Saharan Africa are significantly affected by climate change, leading to increased exposure to uncertainty and production risks. These regions are already particularly affected by water stress, erratic rainfall levels, salinity, and rising sea levels. The rising temperatures are translated into increased water demand from the agriculture sectors. This requires improving the productivity of the agricultural system via Climate-Smart Farm Practices (CSFPs) using the principle of soil and water conservation when introducing new crops that are tolerant to drought and salinity stress in these systems and managing and valorising the vegetative and animal residues, particularly the residues from large ruminates given that these animals are the primary sources of emissions. 

This project proposes high socio-economic and environmental benefits, including reduced GHGs, diversified incomes and generated additional job opportunities. Moreover, this projects’ partnerships aim to improve livelihoods beyond the benefits of reduced GHG emissions and groundwater contamination by increasing revenues for farmers from the sale of vermicompost and livestock production 

Follow the link for further infrormation: Towards resilient and sustainable integrated agro-ecosystems through appropriate climate-smart farming practices (Entstehung von widerstandsfähigen und nachhaltigen integrierten Agrarökosystemen durch geeignete klimaintelligente Anbaumethoden) | IAMO

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21 January 2025

The final TRUSTFARM management meeting was held from January 21 to 23, 2025, at IAMO: Leibniz Institute of Agricultural Development in Transition Economies in Halle(Saale), Germany. This successful three-day event featured a full and engaging agenda:

  • 1st Day: Introduction of the team and project, presentations by six partners, and an overview of case studies from Morocco, Senegal, Italy, France, and Egypt.
  • 2nd Day: Discussions on dissemination strategies, outreach efforts, upcoming…

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22 May 2024

The fifth TRUSTFARM management meeting was held from May 22 to 24, 2024, at Joint Research Unit SELMET: Tropical and Mediterranean Animal Production Systems in Montpellier, France. This successful three-day event featured a full and engaging agenda:

  • 1st Day: Team introductions, project overview, six partner presentations, and an overview of the Moroccan, Senegalese, Italian, French, and Egyptian case studies.
  • 2nd Day: Discussions on dissemination and outreach, upcoming activities, deadlines,…

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10 July 2023

The fourth TRUSTFARM management meeting took place from July 10 to 12, 2023, at the University of Bari Aldo Moro in Italy.The successful three-day meeting featured a full agenda:

  • 1st day: introductions to the team, project overview, seven presentations from partners, and an overview of the Moroccan, Senegalese, Italian, French, and Egyptian case studies.
  • 2nd day: Discussions of the results observed in each case study…

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